By Nathan Szymanski
A lot of people think that the hardest part about gaining muscle is what happens in the weight room. I would personally disagree with these people. Eating right is where it really gets tricky. Knowing when and what to eat is a big challenge. In this article I will tell you the basic guidelines to the right diet.
So, if you're trying to gain muscle and increase your strength, there is three things that you will need: protein, carbs, and fats. Let's start out by talking about the obvious one, protein.
Everyone knows that you need protein in order to put on some muscle. So, what are the best foods to get this nutrient from? Well, the easiest way to get protein into your diet is by drinking whey protein. Drink these protein shakes within 30 minutes after your workout in order to get the most out of them. There is also many foods and drinks that you should eat during the day to get more protein. The number one thing I would recommend is drinking milk. Lots and lots and lots of it. It is a great source of protein and calcium, and with relatively low amount of fat. Another great food is chicken. Try and eat grilled chicken, not fried of course. Some other good sources of protein are fish, eggs, beans, and nuts. I also love peanut butter, which has a good amount of protein, but watch out for the fat in it.
Now, when should you be getting your protein in? Well, in the morning you should try and get some fast acting protein, such as eggs, or you could drink some whey protein. Throughout the day try and have some chicken, nuts, etc. Eat in 3 hour intervals. This is proven to be the best amount of time in between meals in order to get the most out of your foods. Before you go to bed, have some slow releasing protein. You can do this by having dairy such as milk or cottage cheese.
Next is carbs. Carbs are very important for fueling your workouts. Try and eat a lot of pasta, breads, potatoes, and other starchy foods. You want to try and get your carbs in right after you wake up and around 5-6 at night. Also, before your workout, try getting some quick acting carbs by having some fruit. You may not think it, but you will notice a big difference in energy throughout your workout if you just have some fruit before you begin.
Finally, let's look at why fats are important. Believe it or not, the right amount of fat in your diet is good for you. Fat helps your body absorb nutrients and minerals. Also, fat helps you increase testosterone. Now, don't go out and get some McDonald's. Try getting your fat from things such as olive oil, or nuts.
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