Muscle Building Exercisese


A useful guide on "Muscle Building Exercises".

The key to building muscle is to start with a plan. There are literally thousands of muscle building exercises when counting all the basics and variations that take an athlete from beginner to advanced levels. It is important to choose at least three different exercises for each group being worked and to make certain that all main muscle groups are worked at least one day per week. Set a schedule and allow for rest in between. That is a common mistake that many new athletes make. Resting those muscles is just as important as working them. If well planned, a weekly regimen will include muscle building exercises that target every major muscle group in the entire body.


An example of a great exercise that targets the core is the Deadlift, but it is also one of the most complete whole body exercises. While there are many variations of the Deadlift, the most important thing to remember is form. Not only will it provide for better gain, proper form will also prevent needless pain and potential for injury.


Squats are the epitome of leg exercises. When choosing a group of three muscle building exercises that include the legs, squats are a must. Not only do they target the Quadriceps, but they also work the entire lower body.


When working the shoulders, the Standing Barbell Press ranks among the best. It is often referred to as the Standing Military Press or the Overhead Press. Not only does it work the shoulders but it is among the best core exercises as well.


The Bench Press is among the absolute best muscle building exercises that work the chest because it also works several other key groups as well, which would include the triceps and shoulders. Another great exercise that targets the same groups is the Incline Barbell Press.


For the middle back the Bent Over Barbell Row is one of the best muscle building exercises. It also works the lats and the biceps. Then, for the lower back it is always good to use Hyperextensions which also works the hamstrings. Muscle building exercises that focus on two or more groups at once are always preferable.


Lying Tricep Extensions and Tricep Pulldowns are two of the best choices for working the triceps. Although other exercises such as the bench press would work the triceps, it is essential to find a couple of key muscle building exercises that specifically target the triceps and the biceps.


Two of the best exercises for bulking up those biceps would be Seated Dumbbell Curls and Standing Barbell Curls. Even though there are other exercises in the workout that would work the biceps, like the triceps, it is important to utilize at least one or two muscle building exercises that specifically target the biceps.

There are a great number of muscle building exercises and variations that can be found to complete a total body workout. The key is to find exercises that correspond to the level of fitness as well as having the ability to add bulk. Form is a primary concern not only for maximum gain, but also to prevent pain or injury. Make a plan and stick to it. Get plenty of rest and eat plenty of lean protein. This will maximize gain and result in lean, solid muscle mass.

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